So orks, why don’t Flash Gits get any love?
And…with that out of the way I was/am a huge fan of the Battlestar Galatica. Ronald Moore and his cohorts did a great job with this remake. It is some of the best sci-fi in a long time. It has incredible season ending cliffhangers, great characters, classic sci-fi silliness, is futuristic without being futuristic, and is full of real champion stuff (minus Gaius becoming Jesus, and the Starbuck fiasco). The downside was the series finally, but there hasn’t been a series finale that I found descent, outside of Cheers. Most series finales are just blah and there is always too much to cover and not enough time.
So when Caprica was announced I was intrigued. It was the same Ron Moore and cronies, and was to take place years before Battlestar. Whoohoooo! Another good sci-fi show a comin’.
Then the first part of season one aired and was just drek. I watched every episode and thought it has to get better, right?
It ended mid-season and got the get better or you’re gone, from the network.
Well it has started up again, and after two episodes, I’m out.
Sure they are chaning/ advancing the story, they are supposed to be cutting the drek, and maybe I didn’t give them a chance with the remaining shows of the first season.It is still just no good. The spark isn’t there. The writing isn’t as crisp. The plot and characters are just pffffft!!
So it is sad that a show that sounded good on paper failed me. It happens a lot, but most of those are NEW and SHINY shows from upstarts. This had the producer/ writer to give it some chops.
Maybe my friends will watch it all and tell me it gets better. Then again, I don’t think they are watching it either.
As for the 40K posted question…..Flash Gits are cost prohibitive and eat a slot needed for cheaper/better Killa Kans or Battlewagons.
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