So, after seeing pics from the Dark Eldar codex (thank you http://bloodofkittens.com/), I noticed something else that is disturbing. Where is the psychic defense?
I was hoping for something, anything besides the rehashed Crucible of Malediction. It isn’t super useful before and won’t be when the codex hits. Seriously making a leadership test or removed from play isn’t too awfully frightening. Let me see, most psykers are LD 9 or 10. It is another Hail Mary item that will fail more times than not.
Yes, there is the special character that negates for a squad she is attached to, but big deal. That squad doesn’t get powers used against them. It will be a huge surprise how many times that happens. BOO!
For an Eldar race to have no psychic defense is just dumb. These guys should be anti-psyker crazy right? Aren’t they trying to hide from the warp? Didn’t they bail when Slannesh was born? Isn't he/ she is looking to eat Dark Eldar souls? One would think they would have something besides a one time use piece of wargear and a special character.
They added Harlequins for fluff, but trying to hide from the warp and warp powers is glassed over. BOO!
So the Dark Eldar are no better equipped to fight the warp than the average Tau. WOW, great job there!
I don’t want to hear about said Crucible or Lady Puff-n’-Stuff. Putting faith in that item or character is right up there with the 5++ save bought for Raiders. Sure, you might remember the time this item and character work, but you’ll forget all the times they fail. Come on, who is going to target a squad with psy powers that when they automatically ignore it? If they do get targeted, and she is attached,then you sir are playing a crazy person. BOO!
The Dark Eldar should have some access to descent anti-psyker abilities, tin foil hats, drugs, a homunculus creation or something.
Just my two cents and Raiders still cost too much.
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