So after looking at the next 500 points to add to my Khorne army, I made a mistake. Chariots come with Iron Hide already included. How awesome is that for 15 points? A chariot adds wounds, strength, attacks and 3+ armor; and is only 15 points! Yes you lose Independent Character, but big deal. I mean really, with Eternal Warrior everywhere who cares if a herald is a one man unit. A one man unit that is strength 6 (with upgrade), toughness 5 has 4 attacks, 4 wounds, furious charge, a power weapon and only costs 100 points; yes please I’ll take two. Well my choice has been made and was that easy.
I have to grab another Demon Prince with Iron Hide and Unholy Strength. I like a bit of repetition and two Demon Princes are better than one. Sure the Soul Grinder is awesome as well, but with melta everywhere (and it should be) they are to easily taken out.
So then that leaves me with the five painted Bloodletters, two Hearlds, a Demon Prince and extra points, and now how to spend them? I could add upgrades to stuff. Well, wings on the prince are an obvious and very necessary one. I could throw some icons in for summoning safety. I could add some extra Bloodcrushers. They are pretty effective, but the heralds already act like them with more wounds. EUREKA!
What am I missing from a pure Khorne force? Puppies! Yup add in some Fleshhounds. Yes they might suck by most standards, but I’m not a win at all costs guy. They need to be in the list and they need to not be the horrible GW models. Stupid fins! So, here is another chance for me to model some alternatives. I’ll throw six of them in, and that should run me to 1500.
Awesome! I now have an idea of what I want, now to get finished with the current project so I can start this.
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