Thursday, October 14, 2010

Must have lists already? Seriously!?

Wow is the internet a buzz with the new Dark Eldar codex. So many people have had sit down time with it and the lists have begun surfacing.

My question is why? Why must all Dark Eldar players already run an army, which is still a little way out, with certain builds? Why is Duke Sickle-face, or whatever his name is, a must have already? Why is Vect the "auto win" for the army? Why are Hellions the best thing since the last best thing? Why can’t people wait to read the book and decided themselves.

Why can’t people read the codex and build their own list? Is everyone so tied to the internet that they can’t try and make an army on their own? If the internet says this must be taken and if not, then your list sucks, does it make it so?

This is just me, but I hate the must win at all times, (I won’t use the other term that everyone refers to) must listen to internet, and must run this with this. Whatever happened to free thought?

Where am I going? Well after not looking at the Dark Eldar codex and seeing the army lists ready to take the field, I propose my Dark Eldar force. Sure I don’t know how much it costs or how to run it. I know how fun it would be to model it and see it on the tabletop.
It also falls into the category of theme, or fluff.

I would run max Homunculus, as many Wracks, and Grotesques as possible. The extra points to fill in a Talos, some upgrades and there you go. Is it super competitive? By the gods probably not. Is it fun to make. Yes it should be. Is it fun and thematic? Totally! A force of created creatures unleashed upon the universe with the goal of grabbing slaves to make more.

So there you have it, my must have Dark Eldar list. It would be a riot to make, and see on the table. It would also be the bane of all the uber competitive players, as they hate hobby and fluff lists. Sure they like to beat them; but complain when they face them and find excuses if they lose to them.

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