Yesterday I listed my favorite movie scientists that I think of when you say Homunculus. I left that post thinking of their experiments and what images go off in the old noodle. So without further ado….
Movie fun with Wracks and Grotesques
1. The Jupiter Family. These freaks from The Hills Have Eyes, either version, are creepy as all get out. They kill, maim and eat he victims at times. Be it the inbreeding or the radiation, they fit the mold of experiments gone wrong, or right if you are a Homunculus.
2. The Infected. I’m a purest and these things aren’t zombies. Zombies shuffle and leg drag. The Infected, ala 28 Days Later, are full force sprinters. Zombies eat brains. The Infected just crush head, neck and chest before sprinting off to the next hapless victim. These guys ooze feel no pain and furious charge.
3. Bat People? The Descent had spelunking ladies fighting off horrible albino bat creature people. They have lived without light so long they developed a type of sonar and taste for people meats. Creatures that could be released into a hivecity that eat human meat and don’t need light to hunt. Sounds created by Dark Eldar to me.
4. Lickers. Sure these things are from Resident Evil 2, but they are created via super science and only eat and kill. Still remember the cut scene of that thing climbing the ceiling and then dropping down to get poor Leon Kennedy. It also look especially creepy with the lack of skin, long grabby tongue, claws, quadruped movement, no eyes and possibly semi exposed brain. Plus it dripped goo and spittle all over the place.
5. C.H.U.D. The movie and the name explain it all. Hobos that have been mutated, via toxic waste, and now crave human meats. Scary? Check. Science created? Check. Slimy? Check. Cannibal? Check plus! Would they be made to eat the races of the 40K universe? Check!
There is another look into what I think and see when it comes to the 40K fluff. It also shows what I might be modeling figures after as well. Now to find a suitable number of models to field a force full of C.H.U.D.S.!
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