Homunculus, the mad scientists, which make creatures called grotesques and other horrible experiments.
Halloween is, the season of awesome that, relishes such behavior.
Movies are what I watch a lot of, especially this time of year. Especially the gross and scary kind. Where is this going? Movies? Dark Eldar? Halloween? Could it be a random list of.......
My favorite Hollywood Homunculi
1. Dr. Victor Frankenstein. A no-brainer here. He made a creature from dead body parts.
2. Herbert West. The Re-Animator was a descent movie and this guy was great. Making the dead live again with a syringe of green goo is awesome. The cat part was a bit much, but I always have trouble when movie pick on pets.
3. Dr. Logan. The Day of The Deads’ resident scientist. He tries to make the dead tame. He also has a lab full of zombie and their bits he is using for his experiments. That and he feeds the dead soldiers to the zombies he is “taming.”
4. Dr. Moreau. His island is full of animal/human hybrids. Sure it isn’t a good movie, but there was that creepy sidekick of the Dr.’s. Hyenaswine and his cohorts really drive home that Homunculus feeling for me.
5. Dr. Clayton Forrester. Ok so Mystery Science Theater 3000 isn’t horror at all. However, what that did to those robots and all the human incarnations on that satellite, was torture. Well, except for the episode with Manos the Hands of Fate. That was awesome.
6. Dr. S. Quentin Quale. If you don’t know him by his real name, he is also known as Dr. Satan.
He is the reason for House of 1000 Corpses, without his legend, those pesky kids wouldn’t have landed in such a predicament. His shtick was experimenting on the clinically insane in attempt to create super humans. He also looks the part with his harness, mechanical bits, hemostats and scalpel/ syringe finger doodads.
So there you have it, my favorite movie Homunculi. They seem to fit the definition of experimental science with just a pinch of crazy and a dash of torture. That seems to fit my idea of a Dark Eldar Homunculus.
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