Monday, October 31, 2011

The Wile E. Coyote horror movies

Why Wile E. Coyote? Well if you have seen any horror movie it is obvious. If you haven't then.....well shame on you. These are the Wile E. movies because the bad guys always manage to miss getting their Roadrunner (usually some stupid girl). 

It is Halloween and we'll knock these three gems out while waiting for kiddies to give much deserved treats. We will probably not get any kids, since we live on a DMZ/ wasteland neighborhood (a lot of loners, oldies and empty houses). Still we can watch these and eat candies.

The original and best (outside of the fun that was Dream Warriors). It has one of my favorite death scenes involving a young Johnny Depp. Plus Freddy Kruger is a likeable and creepy bad guy.

Then we switch to a bit more disturbing....

Now we have a truly creepy bad guy and friends. The Cenobites are just disturbingly awesome as is the plot of this converted Clive Barker story. Hellraiser is great gore and weirdness (chains, hooks, blades and a strange S&M vibe). Plus those Cenobites will get you in the end, unless you are the lead character.

Then the be all end all....

This has it all: creepy villain, Donald Pleasence, a great and memorable score, some good killin' and a Shatner mask. I was floored by the end of this movie as a young stupid kid. I didn't see it coming. It was also an ending that wasn't in every other movie, like it is today. It is also one of the better John Carpenter films.

This will finish off the Halloween season for another year, so until next year........Have a great Halloween everyone!

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