Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Slime time!

Tonight we have a triple feature of slimy gross awesomeness!
We start with the 80’s reboot of……..
Sure it isn’t on a lot of movie lists, it has had a place in my warped little heart since the first time I saw it. Plus it has a great ending.

Then we swing over to………
Sure it failed as an attempted large budget B movie. It is still a riot and has some great slime and bloody goodness.

Finally we end with a favorite………
This is another fun movie. Nathan Fillion and Michael Rooker are great in this. There is also one of the best DVD extras called “Who is Bill Pardy?” This is another over looked movie that I try and spread the word of to those who are cool enough to appreciate it.


  1. Great picks! Been meaning to catch up on The Blob too... Have you seen Peter Jackson's zombie/horror/comedy Dead Alive - that one ends in a furry of slime - it's wonderful & ridiculous!

  2. Dead Alive is awesome! I just don't own it, I'm sort of ashamed to say that.
