Friday, October 21, 2011

Another week closer to Halloween and films

Well after last Friday’s Halloween-ish movies I thought I’d do it again. I changed it up and have decided to go with, my favorites, zombie movies! This is partially due to the new season of The Walking Dead starting up, great series that I would recommend people watch (unless you hate zombies and then shame on you!).
We’ll go old school awesome with where it all started for me…..

eck the reboot from the 90’s isn’t awful either and can work in a pinch for zombie withdrawal. Plus it has Tony "Candyman" Todd in it.

Then follow that up with my favorite other Romero zombie movie……

This movie still holds up, barring the drek that is Bud the zombie. I can suppress that horrid story arc for great zombie and even better human gooey gross death.  Seriously some great blood and gut effects in this.
Then follow that up with the “fun” zombie movie……….

his has some great lines that pop in conversationally today. It isn’t great, but it is a riot with faster and even talking zombies and the 80’s punk gang that is trying to survive.
f there is still time and snacks left we might even hit……….

This will be a nice book end to the zombie movie whirlwind tour.
Next week I'll have to push through crazy families, torture, slimy gross and ghost. It looks like I'll have a ton of movies to watch throughout the week.

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