September is behind me and fall is in full swing. This month starts my yearly rise in dark power that will manifest on the 31st. Then I’ll after a brief one day ascension I’ll return to boring old me, but that is a tale for another day.
The gaming front is barren at the moment. G.W. has had their fantasy release, Ogres, and we await the next and last 40K release for the calendar year. Rumors say Necrons. If you read stuff on this site you now my stance on two things 5++ saves and rumors. When the codex is at my house, then I know that Necrons are next.
I would like to be excited, but I am not. I have over 2000 points of these robots, but they just sit in their tombs, or cases. This edition is not for them, well until a new codex makes them the best! We all know that is wrong, but a new codex will help. It might even get me to want to play them again. However, there are always changes for good and bad in a codex. The changes to Dark Eldar were good, but not so good that I want to play them again. Especially, with the poor changes to existing elements of that army, jet bikes for the most part. If Necrons are next, then this month should be the announcement by G.W.
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"Crap you things are still in the 40K universe?!?!" |
Dr. Who had its finale. I like it for one reason; it ended this season (or series for those across the way). I have had my fill of Amy, River and Rory. I like Matt Smith, but I hated the story this season. I just don’t care for the side characters and their insipid story arc. Hopefully, the next season/series will be better. I have given this show a small reprieve. It is on watch, my 3 episode standard. That means you have that many chances to dazzle the crap out of me and get me on the (insert title here) show. Granted some shows only get one or two, but those are usually pure drek and one viewing is more than they deserve. A one episode show…well the Terranova on FOX. What a turd that is! I didn’t even make it through the first hour of that two hour stinkfest! I am a bit saddened that Dr. Who is on watch, but if a show stinks I tend to walk away from it and not look back.
Breaking Bad had its finale Sunday night and it was very awesome! That show has gotten so much better each season. Well, it had that dip season two, but it came back gangbusters! It did feel like It could be a series finale with the amount of loose ends that were tied up. I would tell anyone who likes a great character driven story, a lot of HOLY ?!#%$!@#$%! moments, one of the better villains on tele and seeing Malcolm’s dad running a meth lab to grab this series on rerun, on demand, on-line, Netflix, etc.
Walking Dead starts this weekend, with the ending of Breaking Bad. I am still having trouble turning off my comic nerd filter when it comes to this show. I love that comic and the television series has deviated a lot from the comic. It is still a good show, it is just hard for me to refer to it as The Walking Dead. I think of it as the Rick family and survivors VS. the Zombies. This way I can keep my inner comic nerd in check and enjoy some quality zombie t.v.
Then there all the sitcoms; Always Sunny, Modern Family, The Bang show, American Dad, Parks and Rec, and South Park. These are typical 30 minute no brainers that give me many laughs and more pop culture to reference at a later date.
The realm of gaming has me on the last level of Bioshock 2. Man I missed the world of Rapture and the crazy inhabitants there. After that is beat, I’ll probably play through again and play it differently. Then it might be off to Rage or Dead Island….or just await Skyrim. Then give my life over to the Eldar scrolls.
Finally…… I have football and the sad state of Denver. I know and understand that Denver is and was going to be bad this year. When at the bottom there is nowhere to go but up. Right? Well wrong. It just makes it easier to watch football. Well now the cult can have their needs sated....Tim “Teabag” Teabow will be starting QB for Denver this week. I will not care how well he does. I have a hatred for the following he has created. I hated him at Florida. I think he will be a big failure as an NFL QB. Why everyone follows him blindly is unknown. Hopefully he wins a lot of games and proves me wrong. I actually hope for him to play badly and prove his cultists wrong. Curse you Denver! A curse for drafting this guy and making me dislike my favorite football team!
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" Now I'm crying because I realize I am what everyone knows I am." |
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