Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Night re-cap

 Well another Halloween come and gone. We actually had a few kids this year, 15! That blows the old record of 2 out of the water. We handed out full sized candy bars; screw that "fun size" crap. It blew the minds of the little monsters that graced our doorstep. So with my dark powers now in decline until next year, almost all the candy gone and only a few pumpkins to dispose of...I sadly say goodbye to Halloween. I now cringe and retch a bit, at the fact that retail stores are pushing X-mas already.

Our pumpkins this year.

This was my Nurgle pumpkin. it was covered in bumps and knobbies. I thought it would make a suitable Plaguebearer with the stem/horn and boils/pustules that the knobbies resembled.
Manders did a Mr. Angry Eyes Bitey Mouth. 

Last is the pumpkinn foreshadowing the Despoiler's return. The 14th Black Crusade will soon be upon us!The gourd never lies!

Here they are lit up!


  1. Looks like you and your pumpkins had their Sunday Best on when you through this post up. Hope you don't mind me throwing you a shout out on my weekly themed top x post of the week. Cheers and thanks for sharing.

  2. Hey thanxs for reading! Glad you liked it!
