Friday, November 11, 2011

My 4th ed Necron showcase---Troops

5th edition had me return to the 40K universe and I did, with the Necrons. I figured I'd showcase what I have, before I decide to buy more or leave them to their tombs. I'll start with my core....the Warriors

Here are the majority of my Warriors. I have a strong just came out of the ground theme. It will be a bit more apparent on a few later pics. There are a lot of models with grass and dirt still clinging to them. Big surprise, I wanted my Necrons to be very zombie-like, so they are in
I ditched the Necron green for a lightning and regal blue instead. The eyes, guns and internal (ribcages) of my Necrons have a eerie blue instead. 

 I have broken the photos into three groups: the normals, halfies and the rest.

The normals are the regular Necron models, without much flair. Well I did alter the guns a bit.

Why did I change the standard Necron Gauss Flayer? Well I didn't like the long glowing barrel rod thingie. I went with the short and compact blaster-ish approach. I think it looks more alien. Actually I'm thinking of adding something to the end, either a crystal, barrel or whatever to make them look a bit better.

I added some walking wounded to my Warrior ranks as well. A army that rebuilds itself needs some damaged models. They are nothing fancy, but they prove their point.

I sadly ran out of basing materials as these were the last pre-5th ed models I made, and after playing them I didn't feel the urge to finish basing them.

Some severed arms, legs, bullet holes and facial scars make for some suitable battle damage.

Now we have the halfies. These are the guys still coming up from their underground homes. Now, please don't say modelling for advantage. This was 4th ed without the true line o' sight. The few games in 5th I played with these guys I always played them as full size targets.

I really like these guys along with their full size brothers. I think it is a great look to have an army rising from the earth. They are robot zombies and this helps fit the part.

Now here are the rest of the class. I received a lot of Necron stuff from E-bay and it came with a lot of extra bits. These extra bits became...these. Now they usually worked as filler models in the back of squads. Now they will be counters for Reanimation Protocols.

Finally these are my objective counters. They are the decorative base bits for  the Nightbringer. They were bought back when you could buy loose bits from G.W. I wanted some objectives and these fit the part.

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