Weekly schlock and "BOY!" part III
The passing of Angus Scrimm gas finally made me get motivated to see the
remaining Phantasm movies. I had a real hard time getting through the first
phantasm movie, but I love the sequel! Here is to hoping that the third part is
not like the first movie?
As per usual the plot of these films is all over the place. The movie
starts where part II ended with Reggie, Mike and Liz escaping in a hearse. This
goes sideways quickly with a wreck, Liz dying, Mike in a coma and Reggie
escaping the Tall Man. After a silly
hospital stay, Mike starts seeing his dead brother Jody. Jody is now one of those fun flying silver orbs. The Tall
Man continues his quest to grab Michael and saying “BOY!” all creepily. He does manage to eventually nab Mike and of
course Reggie chases after him.
Then we are whisked away to a bit of this Home Alone gag with some kid. It
is pretty bad especially when he kills a guy with a frisbee covered in razor
blades. He teams up with Reggie to go after the Tall Man. This leads them to
find Rocky and Tanesha (look quick because she is gone just as fast as
introduced) who are in a mausoleum while on the trail of Mike and the Tall Man.
Why are these ladies there? I don’t know. Now Reggie, Home Alone kid, and Rocky
(who is an whiz-bang nunchuck artist) are avoiding the Tall Man and his little
dwarves and trying to save Mike.

Mike is at the same time a captive of the Tall Man and is going through
some elective surgery. Here there is some actual story being expounded upon,
after three movies. It is finally shown that the Tall Man silver spheres
contain a shrunken human brain. These brains are removed from the corpses the
Tall Man collects from the cemeteries. He then takes the bodies to reanimate
and shrink into his little dwarf minions. Why? Well see the Tall Man is from
another dimension. He uses his army of silver brain spheres and robed dwarves
to conquer other dimensions. Even better he has been after Mike all these years
because Mike already has a silver sphere
in his head. I guess that makes Mike like the Tall Man? Maybe they are father
and son, with a huge age difference?
Eventually this all boils down to a saving of Mike, a showdown with the
Tall Man, a fight with the dead guys the Home Alone kid killed, Jody
reappearing as morphing silver sphere, frozen heads in a vat, a look at what
the Tall Man actually is, a ceiling covered in silver spheres, Mike with a
silver sphere in his head, a familiar last scene grab through a broken
and Reggie about to die.
Confused yet? Good. I was too.
The third movie in this installment and there is finally a glimmer of what
the Hell has been going on in these films. It doesn’t make much sense as to the
how and why of the Tall Man’s actions, but at least it was something. Hell, up
until now there has been no rhyme or reason really to anything in these films.
Is Phantasm III any good?
At least part was fun! |
There was obviously a much lower and noticeable budget from the previous
film. That doesn’t equate to a bad film, but it sure as heck didn’t help make
it good. There was a definite slide from the polish of Phantasm II to a more
direct to DVD feel in Phantasm III. That doesn’t make for a bad film, just a
sort of bad looking film.
The story is still bonkers with a ton of unanswered questions and head
scratching events. I expect this from the franchise but it is also getting to
the point of annoyance. The little backstory that is given does help, but not
enough. The goons that terrorize the Home Alone kid and Reggie are terrible.
Plus they die and come back as talking zombies for some unknown reason. The
addition of the Home Alone kid was terrible! I’m not sure why he was introduced
to this universe, and hopefully he gets the same treatment as Liz at the being
of the next movie.
Yup, Phantasm IV should be on the way as I type this. For some sick reason
I can’t wait to see what happens next in this franchise.
While this is not as fun or has the production value of Phantasm II, it is
marginally better than the original Phantasm. Here is hoping that the fourth
movie will finally lead to an end to this story.
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