Thursday, November 14, 2013


She had been tracking a band of Cephalyx and their slaves for a few miles. They seemed to have been searching for something and had yet to find it.

She knew what they were after and where they were headed. She needed to stop them before they made it to the Orgoth ruins ahead. She sprinted off to position her forces before the Cryx allies arrived at the site.

She summoned her warp wolf and argus companions as she moved toward the ruins. Suddenly, she could hear the sounds of combat in the cove ahead. Releasing a series of whistles, she lead her beasts toward the sounds of battle.

As she approached, she could see that the Cephalyx and their minions were no more. They had been dispatched in an most unpleasant fashion. Several of them where skewered to trees by large spears and others had  fallen to wounds caused by heavy blades. She sniffed the air as a flanking Argus growled. A soft pat on his left head settled the warbeast. She had detected the same scent as him. Trolls!

These new trespassers would pay the same price for infringing on these woods. Kaya let loose a howl and it was answered in kind. The wolves had found something new to hunt.

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