Friday, November 15, 2013

Kaya vs. Madrak battle report

The second or third game of Hordes we have played, now in written and pic form!

Druid 1
Kaya casts Occulation on all the beasts. This gives then stealth to protect from incoming spears. Then she forces them to run. The warpwolf is riles to generate extra fury for next turn.
Trollblood 1
Madrak forces the Impalers to run. He fores the Axer to cast its rush animus. This gives him 2" extra movement. Then it is forced to run.

Druid 2
The Argus near the Axer unleashes his Doppler Bark. This hits the Axer and lowers his DEF and keeps him from moving.
The Warpwolf buffs for +2 strength and charges the Axer. The bite attack hits and only does 4 damage. Then the first claw hits, but fails to damage. The second claw hits and boosts damage to to disable the mind. A fourth attack is forced and hits. The damage negates the body spiral and a bit of the spirit.
Kaya Spirit Doors (teleports) the Argus closer to the action. She then casts Occulation on herself.
Trollblood 2
Madrak cannot leech any fury since he is full. Threshold checks must be done. The Impalers pass. The Axer frenzies!
The Axer activates and attacks my wolf. He hits, but does no damage. Then he is done this turn.
The Impaler's start to huck spears at the Warpwolf. The first Imaipler misses and is forced two additional times to thorw. These miss as well. The second Imapiler activates and misses. Then he is forced to throw twice more and misses those as well.
Madrak casts Surefoot on the AXER for +2 DEF and immunity to knockdown. He then fires Stranglehold off at the Warpwolf, but misses as well.

Druid 3
Warpwolf buffs for strength again.He bites the Axer and hits hard enough to finish him off. The Axer falls with a bit chunk bitten out of his belly. Madrak reeves the fury. He is full at 5.
Kaya rile the Warpwolf to help replenish some fury. She casts Occulation on all the beasts.
The Argus activate and are both forced to run ahead.
Trollblood 3
No leeching fury, so here come the threshold checks. The first Impaler passes. The second Impaler rolls a 12 and frenzies. He charges the Impaler in front of him. He hits and with auto boosted damage he does enough damage to cripple the mind and almost wipe out the body of his buddy.

Madrak chooses to go next and spends a fury point to heal the mind of the freshly hurt Impaler. He then casts Stranglehold on my Warpwolf. Madrak is 4.75" away so my stealth will be negated. He boosts to hit and misses. He then he chooses to throw Rathrok and spends fruy to boost to hit. He connects and the damage wipes out the body aspect of the Warpwolf. A most impressive bit of damage!
The free Impaler moves to get a clean throwing lane to Kaya. (Didn't see that coming, damn!) He boosts to hit and misses. He is then forced to throw again and boosts to hit. He connects and does 4 damage to my warlock.  How rude! He hit a girl.

Druid 4
Leech all my fury back, and full at 6.
The Argus cannot charge Madrak since he has a magic scroll of not allowing it when in the front arc. So, a full advance and then a combo strike from both heads is on the way. A boost to hit and boosted damage does 12 points of damage to the warlock. A second attack is forced and misses.
The Warpwolf is first forced to regenerate and refills 2 points to his body aspect. Then he buffs for strength and advances on the Impaler, who is shaking off his frenzy to see a big angry dog coming toward him. The wolf bites and does enough damage to wreck the mind and body of the troll. He then misses with his first claw. The second claw hits and removes all but one point in the spirit spiral. A fourth attack is forced and hits. The Impaler is torn asunder. 
The second Argus advances and attacks Madrak. He boosts to hit with a combo strike and hits. He boosts the damage, but Madrak uses his amulet of  "NO SOUP FOR YOU!" and negates any damage. I have too much fury on the board and don't force another attack. Kaya activates and uses two fury to heal the Warpwolf a bit more. She Spirit Doors (teleports) the Warpwolf near the Argus to get him closer to the action. She then casts Soothing Song to remove one fury from all her beasts. This leaves 6 fury on the board and Kaya with 0. Hooray for fury management!

Trollblood 4
The remaining Impaler moves to get another throw at Kaya. He uses his animus, Farstrike, to gain 4" of extra range. He boosts to hit and misses.

Madrak activates and is in dire straits. He is accosted by dogs on both sides and now a giant wolf has appeared nearby. He begins by trying to cut down the first Argus to attack him. He dives into his fury pool and boosts his first hit with his mighty ax. He connects and wipes out the mind spiral and does a tiny bit of damage to the body. He spends to attack again. A miss! Another fury to attack. Another miss!  The trolls just cannot connect with attacks this game.

Druid 5
The end is near.
The Argus goes first and attacks the troll warlock. He boosts his combo strike and hits. The damage is enough to drop Madrak. However, the is Tough. This allows him a 1-3 chance (5 or 6 on D6) to not die. He rolls a 6 and is still alive with one point of life left.
Looking confused as to why the troll is still moving, the second Argus attacks. He auto hits since Madrak is knocked down. The damage drops him again. Madrak rolls for another toughness test and fails. The second head of the Argus sniffs the body and then begins to howl. The troll leader has fallen. The Warpwolf turns and spies the remaining Impaler. The troll warbeast drops his spear and sprints off into the forest.

The druids have won the day!

What we learned...........

We need the big kid rules as the quick start is lacking after a few games.

Rate of fire on ranged weapons. Missed that bit.

Upkeep those spells!

-4 to hit rolls when trying to throw in melee is rough.
Rathrok can put out some damage when thrown.

Still missing/forgetting some rules but we'll get there (and the internet never fails to point out errors)

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