Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Holy crap work done on some models!

Had one of those lazy, but super awesome weekends. You know where you don't do much, but what you want; movies, pizza, video game and even did some work on my Necron models.

All but done with the Annihilation barge and I grabbed some Tomb Blades as well.

 I just have to finish some detail and gluing on the top part of the barge. Then it is all but done. Well will have to strategically flock where I need to cover some minor imperfections. Plus it is supposed to look like it has risen from below the ground, so need to add dirt and grass.

Then the Tomb Blades................

I really dig these models. I thought they looked wyrd and cool. They were a super easy build and I powered through them. The riders are almost done, and then just the guns to worry about.
I haven't decided if I want telsa carbines or the gauss blasters. Both weapons are twin-linked and have the same range. It comes down to AP, rapid fire and the tesla rule.


  1. Well in my little world, that was asuper awesome weekend.
    Almost textbook definition, almost.

  2. Here's hoping you get another one of those super awesome weekends again in the near future. Sounds like it was damn near perfect.
