Thursday, January 16, 2014

First new troll warbeast for the cause

The first of the trolls I gifted my lady friend for X-mas is the Pyre Troll.

These are original painted sort of a dull dirty terracotta or wyrdie brown. I chose to go a different direction.

These are trolls that are on fire, made of fire, eat fire, etc. Why not go all Fantastic Four on this guy? I was thinking Human Torch style.

I chose to make this guy look like he is going all "Flame on!" when he gets mad. The stony/bony protrusions are all normal until he gets all worked up for battle. Then they get blazing fiery hot and burn his flesh. I added a line of black and grey around his back to give the skin look of char and ash. The metal chains wrapped around his hand I tried to do a white hot metal. That was a failure, so they just were painted like the rest of the flames.

Post tantrum the troll regenerates and fixes all this horrible fire damage.

 I left off the tiny bit that you can add to the mouth to create the fire breath attack this guy has. It looked strange just added to his mouth.

So there is my lady's Pyre Troll, a  pox upon it on the battlefield!

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