Monday, July 16, 2012

The final season has started!

Last nite the last days of Walter White and Jessie Pinkman have begun. Breaking Bad season five started, and in the premiere did not disappoint!

With this being the final season I am all a twitter with anticipation! This show has only gotten better the last two seasons and I am hopeful that this final season will be just as good if not better.

Sure there is the probability for a series finale let down, like the majority of series finales. I am staying optimistic with that the creators and writers will not disappoint.

So, here is to you Walt and Jessie, two of t.v.'s best anti-heroes (followed closely by Dexter Morgan). May your final episodes bring much awesomeness, extensive use of the words Yo!, Bitch! and a few twists and turns along the way.

It has already given me the great momnets of ....


"Because I said so."


  1. "I forgive you" in the tone of the Godfather! Great show and hope it ends as well as last season.


  2. Last season's finale was just fantastic! I can hope the series finale will be as good, but it probably won't be. Most series finales are usually a let down.

    Why is Walt needing John Rambo quality firearms too?
