Friday, April 1, 2011

Randomness and closing in on a century (or post #97)

Well low and behold as I arrived home yesterday and there was the shiny new Grey Knight codex. There is a tiny amount of satisfaction gained when you get a pre-order a day prior to official release. So I gave it a quick once over and was not overly impressed, but I'll dive into it this weekend and see what is really up with it.

Second is I want to say good luck to the people attending Adepticon this weekend. My team from last year is not attending. We waited a week after pre-registration opened to sign up and we were surprised to see the teams tournament was full. A reason why my painting slowed a bit, but I have lots of new Night Lords photos to post. I was busy painting while I had no computer, and playing Dragon Age.

Third, you Adepticon people, get and post lots and lots of pretty pictures. We all want to see them.

Last, and most importantly, don't believe anything on the interweb today. It is April 1st and that means everyone will be trying to be funny or dupe the gaming, movie, geek, nerd and general community. It is an every year occurrence that today is amateur hour. So if there is a new 40K, movie, game, sport, life or whatever story/ rumor, pass by it. There will be subtle believable ones and there will be outlandish rumors. Don't be the guy that falls for it and posts it on some site. You'll look the fool. Don't believe anything today that is to good to be true. I've done what I can now the rest is up to you people.

However, it may already be to late!

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