A few overturned gun drones + servitor torso = gun servitors
The conversions were pedestrian, just gluing bolters to where the heavy weapons were supposed to go.
We have plasma gunners here. I have also ran these in a Rhino as a 5 man Havoc Sqaud. It is cheap and no Marine likes facing down plasma guns, let alone 3.
My heavy weapons servitors. I sprinkle them throughout the squads as needed. These are mostly just weapon swaps and add ons. The lascannon/autocannon (whichever I feel like is needed) is a old school Predator heavy bolter on the multi-melta servitor arm stub.
The previous incarnation Terminator is a head swap from zombies and a combined ork shootas. He is my heavy bolter servitor. I think I need to add a few bits and bobs to his front to break-up that boredom.
More heavy boltes in the form of gun drones with burst cannons under slung. A very simple build, but effective.
A Mechanicus force needs servo skulls, right? Well these are summoned demons in my force.
The cyber hounds were once wargear for my HQ, but since that option is gone, they serve as demons as well, or the occasional extra Plague Marine.
Last, no Adeptus Diagnostic Coven is complete without a tech priest. He is my unit champion upgrade.
Now we have all the leg work units covered. Lets get to the leader of this motley crew.
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