Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Not sure I like this idea, but....

On the heels of the 3rd wave of X-Wing models comes this box. The Empire has ace pilots and they are Tie Interceptors.

I'm not sure if I like this or not. These are just repainted existing ships. There is nothing special there. It  looks like the real meat of the set is the pilot cards and upgrades, whatever they are.

 I see target locks and shield tokens. Hmmmm....which ship/pilot gets some shields? An Interceptor with shields would be fantastic! However, they have a real Python Patrol feel. Existing ships with a new color scheme doesn't really sell me.

Could this have just been a set of cards and tokens instead of a model re-boxing? Did they have a bumper crop of Interceptors and have to find a new way to sell all the extra stock? Will I look into this set when it comes out? When will it be out and can they even keep it in stock?  A lot of questions and no answers so far.

I was wondering what they would do to keep the game going. Since they have released all the good Star Wars fighters, what would be next. I guess  this set, but then what?

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