Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Post game tale

This is a bit of stuff for the guys I game with. This will be meaningless to everyone else.

A robbed figure quickly walks down a dimly lit hall. Several armed guards stand to attention as he moves past them. He approaches a set of iron doors and removes a key from within his robes. He quickly works the door lock and pushed them open.

The room is large, spartan, humid, and has an eerie corspelight glow. He can see three scantily clad humanoid females washing and attending to the master around a small pool. He notices another three similarly dressed females dancing and gyrating throughout the room.

“My lord. I apologize for the interruption, but it appears they have found it!”

A large eye slowly opens and focuses on the robbed figure. “You had better be correct this time servant.” The creature hisses through a fanged and drooling maw. “I have spent too much time and too many resources searching for this. The diggers had best be right this time.” The beast slowly rises from the small pool and the female attendants scatter.

The beast slowly advances toward the robbed figure. A thick and putrescent fluid drips off his body. His eyes begin to glow a dim red as he slowly moves across the room.

“I would hate for this information to be incorrect and given in haste my Chamberlain.” hisses the creature. A large string of drool falls from his mouth and begins to smoke on the stone floor. “Remove your hood Chamberlain. I wish to look upon your face.”

“Whatever you wish, my lord.”

The figure removes his hood and reveals a blistered and scarred human face. His left eye is a mass of scar tissue and his right eye emits an eerie dim red glow.

“I see my gift is beginning to heal. Does it still pain you?” hisses the beast.

“No my lord. It is a wonderful gift and I am thankful every day that you have graced me with such power.”

“Very good. Very good indeed. Now never forget that which was given, and never fail me again. Now leave until you have returned with what I desire.”

“As you wish my lord.”

The creature slowly turns and moves back to rest within the small pool of disgusting fluid.

“There is another matter my lord. The fungal field and storage facility in Myrrm have been lost. The tunnels have also been sealed.” stammers the Chamberlain.

“Well that is unfortunate. However, we can always find more slaves. Bring me the dark dwarf emissary. He will get us more fungal walkers. Then send word. Find out who did this. I will want them dealt with. Give word to find and kill anyone associated with this event. Increase our slave order as well. Find me my treasures Chamberlain and find them soon. I would hate to have to reward you a second time.”

“As you wish my lord.” the Chamberlain says as he bows. He quickly turns, raises his hood and begins to leave the room. He hears a faint wimper and then the sickening sound of crunching and tearing. As he reaches the door the beast speaks again.

“Find me some more attendants! These have become too boring and stale!” The beast yells at the back of the Chamberlain.

As the doors close the Chamberlain hears the continued wet crunching, tearing and chewing of the six attendants in the chamber.

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