Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Chaos review#13 heavy gun guys

Every Astartes force has a group set aside just to shoot heavy weapons. These are the Devastators and Chaos has their own version. They call them Havocs.

I typed in Chaos Havoc and got this pic. Insert awful (big guns joke here).
There is nothing different between the Havoc and the basic Chaos Space Marine. The unit champion has the same +1 leadership and +1 attack. He can even take the same gear and upgrades as every other unit champion in this codex. You start with a squad of 5 for 25 points shy of 100 and can add up to five more guys at the cost of 13 points each.  There are only two differences between Havocs and regular Chaos Marines. The first is the maximum size of the squad and the second is what they can carry as weapons.

Up to for members of the squad can carry: Heavy Bolter +10, Autocannon +10, Missile Launcher +15- add Flak missiles +10, Lascannon +20, Flamer +5, Melta Gun +10, Plasma Gun +15.

They have all the Mark and Icon options as well. They come at the following points costs: Khorne +2/guy and Wrath Icon +20, Nurgle +3/guy and Despair Icon +10, Tzeencth +2/guy and Flame Icon +10, Slaanesh +2/guy and Excess Icon +30 and finally the Vengeance Icon +25.

You know they get the option for Veterans O' Long War +1 point/ guy.

They can also grab a Rhino.

What is there not to like about Havocks? They can take multiples of the guns we know and love! They can be purchased as anti-infantry (of various varieties) or any type of anti-armor. They can also be bought a  pretty damn cheap unit. I see no need for any Marks. This is a shooty squad so there is no real need for Khorne or Slaanesh. Tzeencth is still useless without an established invulnerable save. I guess if you have a fear of losing guys ,or a theme, then Nurgle isn't a bad choice. It is the only Mark I would consider, and even then just barely. The only Icon I would consider is the Vengeance Icon. It is a bit pricey, but it can help keep a smaller squad on the table and shooting longer.

I really like the idea of a 5 man squad in a Rhino with four assault weapons of one variety. I can see a use for a squad with four flamers, meltas or plasma to drive up, dump-out and blast away. Yes, I know vehicles suck now. However, if you run enough transports they can't all be destroyed in one turn. Right? That or keep this unit in reserve to drive in turn two and support where needed. Geeee....if only there was a droppod-esqe option for a squad like this. How awesome would that be?

Then there is the long range option and that falls to either the super popular autocannon, the missile launcher or expensive lascannon. The same 5 man configuration with heavy weapons and higher ground is the other build I like. The missile launcher is a tried and true choice that can work as anti-horde, anti-Marine and anti-vehicle. The autocannon is what we all know it is; a descent amount of S7 shots to wreck light armor, force saves and ruin the day of most Xenos. The lascannon is still too expensive for me and is more of a pure niche weapon.

The only problem with four autocannon wielding Havocs is the fact there is no way to easily get four autocannon models for Chaos Marines. G.W. wisdom has once again provided a popular codex option with only a box set of five, now overpriced Finecast, Havocs as a way to get one autocannon. This leaves expensive Forgeworld bits or kit bashing to get these weapons. Another great call on their part!

Speaking of the missile launcher... isn't the Flak Missile option just pure crap? You have to dump in another 10 points to a one wound Marine to get them. This does give the ability to Skyfire (use full BS to shoot planes instead of needing a 6), but it comes at S7 and without Interceptor (allows to shoot in the opponent move phase when reserves come in, or when planes arrive). This gives an option to shoot flying things. Things that (hopefully) haven't just decided to fly on and pour everything into the flak missile squad. Thus stopping it from shooting the next turn. Then Flak option is only S7. Yes, that gives a 50-50 chance to ruin current Xenos planes and a 1-3 chance to hurt all "popular" Imperial fliers. I'm not a 40K math nerd, but I know that 1 in 3, or my old friend 5+, is very unreliable. At the total cost of 38 points for the guy, gun and anti-plane missiles.....I say skip these stinkers!

Wait! I forgot the Heavy Bolter! It costs too much, and fails when compared to the Autocannon, which costs the same in points and is better. I'm sorry Heavy Bolter. You have been universally panned in the 40K world for years and it looks to continue that way. Especially, when you are priced the same as an autocannon. It seems you will have a place as a sponson weapon and that is it. Oh you poor poor forgotten heavy bolter.

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