Monday, August 13, 2012

GenCon Week!

Today begins my yearly countdown to Gen Con Indy. Sadly I had slated two days to go this year, but will only be able to attend one. A new job will do that sort of thing. Still I'll have Saturday to run the main hall, look at painted models, meet lots of "interesting" people and see gods know what else.

So here is the beginning of what will be a very slow week that builds to a day of games, clothes, cosplay/costumes, neck beards, insane children with attached annoyed parents, some neckbeards and the elusive Turd Ferguson and his associate the B.F.S. (big fat stinkers).

I love me some Gen Con!


  1. Or see gods know who else!! I will be one of those parents with the insane child running from place to place in excitement! Can't wait! Will be a blast!

  2. you should totally just go there and sleep on the convention floor. It would be like your own adventure!

  3. Sleeping in/on all that human detritus does sound very appealing. There would probably be enough food scraps on the floor to sustain me as well!
    Wish I had thought of that sooner!
