Wreck Age game with 7 other player review….or…..Why playing
with 7 other people really kind of sucks.
I saw an opening to try a post-apocalyptic sci-fi mini
combat game called Wreck Age. The game world sounds very Fallout but without
super mutants, VATS and the associated accoutrement.
Game play was described as a D6 system with rolls made from
various character stats. There are turns where players activate a single model
at descending initiative steps. During you turn there are a myriad of activities
to do: fight, shoot, search, climb, run, jump, throw ,interact with objects
and….pretty much anything you want to try with your little miniatures. At least
that is what was happening during our game. I had the pleasure of being the
only sober person who had never played before and soon that would become both a
blessing and a curse.
The game info |
The game objective was to meet and speak with some
travelling reporter who was just lucky enough to happen upon a town full of
various warbands. By doing this your warband could gain points toward victory.
There were also secret side objectives each warband would receive on turn two
that when achieved would score points. There were also chances to get points by trying to kill
the reporter, trade with the reporter or kill anyone the reporter had
We are farmers. DA, DA, DA, DA, DUM |
Warbands were chosen. I didn’t know/ care what to play, so I
was given a group of farmers. I was facing off against some crazed drug
carnival guys, another group of farmers, some feral beast handlers, a high tech
security force, a super scientist/doctor and his flesh slaves, Wreck Age’s
version of the Adeptus Mechanicus, some type of not Necromunda Goliaths and finally a wasteland squad of
police. Players deployed and I chose to
turtle up in a corner since I wasn’t sure who to play and what all my little
force could do. I wanted to be defensive and just react a bit on turn one. That
was my plan anyway. I did get a quick once over of my force with; a two hand
grenade guy, a shotgun guy, a sniper rifle guy, an actual mule and then a guy
with a beatin’ stick.