Wednesday, December 18, 2013

testing the anime waters again

A quasi-medieval human world, giant walled cities, naked giants that eat humans, sword and wire-fu all mean that I have started watching Attack on Titan. 

This series has been bouncing around and I finally decided to take notice. I have been away from anime for quite a long time. There just hasn't been anything that has peaked my interest in a few years. Then Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin in Japan) popped up a few times. After seeing a 60' skinless human attacking a fortress looking city. I thought that this might be appealing and jumped over to Crunch Roll to give it a watch.

Humans live behind giant walls to keep safe from naked (no sex organ having ) giants that look like humans with silly or rictus grins. They don't talk or seem to think about anything. They just wander around and try to eat people. They seem to have no other desire but this. Why, what, and how are all questions I have about them and is the main reason I keep watching.

The titans are pretty indestructible since they regenerate quickly. However, if enough damaged is caused to the base of their neck they seem to die. Killing these creatures is the job of the Survey Corps who are trained to go out and fight the titans. They zip around on cables that fly them around wire-fu/ Matrix style and allows them to attack the giant naked monsters.

The show focuses on three teens: Eren, Mikasa and Armin. They survive a Titan attack and decide to join the Survey Corps to fight titans and all that fun stuff. Here they meet a slew of new characters that will probably not make it all the way through the series since the titans seem to eat the Survey Corps every time they fight them.

Yup it is a tough sell when you try and describe it. It is was just wyrd enough draw my attention. After half a dozen episodes I'm still watching it. There is a lot of introspection and yelling, but that is pretty common across all anime series. It has just enough blood, doom and wyrdness to interest me. I'll keep going with it until it ends or gets just crazy bad.

Now back to naked giants trying to eat people!

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