Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The gaming group continues to take form.

Erevan the Eladrin Bloodmage

The artillery piece of the group and the go to when it comes to mass enemy destruction. If there is a herd that needs thinning out, then this is the elf to do it.
Also the only party member to gain the achievement "Friend Slayer."
Let us also not forget the habit for collecting these............


For some reason Erevan just has to grab these whenever he finds them. It is a sick fascination.

 Having attained a high enough level, Erevan has gone from textbook wizard to a specialist in the school of blood. I guess that is a thing. By cutting himself he boosts his damage output, or killing power.
It seems a bit emo to us and we imagine a lot of My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, AFI and Evanesence being sung as the cutting begins.

A sweet Reaper elf mage is the basis for Erevan. I went with a simple red and black theme to match the whole bloodmage bit. 
The hair is a charcoal black to differentiate it from his clothes, but the pics do not show it well.
Also added some blood to his left hand to add even more to the fact he likes to play with blood. 
I am really pleased with the robes as a few washes helped and made the red really easy. It also ties in well with Pippin's red magical polearm sash. 

The spell blood pulse does nothing to deter Smeagol the cat from walking through the photo.

Tried some creepy red eye action to add even more to the blood theme.

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