Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl XLVI

The last day of my calendar year. it is like X-mas, New Years and Thanksgiving all in one! There is always  food, friends, someone will boozing it up, arguments, name calling, gambling, fireworks, television, gluttonous eating and all this against the backdrop of the last NFL game of the season. A time of both great happiness and sadness for me.

I don't care who wins, but I am hoping it will be as good a game as the last Patriots vs. Giants Superbowl a few years ago.

In my twisted mind this is what the match-up looks like........... 
Mel Gibson in the Patriot


Andre the Giant
Tom Cophlin is played by Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

I don't care who wins or loses. I am hoping for a good game that will tide me over until next fall. The only thing of importance is that Madonna is playing the halftime show. Isn't that why we are all tuning in to watch the game? Now bring on the 6,000 calories of meats cheeses and salted snacks!

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