Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New G.W. soon to be/ 'bout damn time releases

The Tyranids and Space Wolves are getting their second wave and the models look descent.

Now there is the fact that this release is two plus years late. Does anyone care? Well some yes and many no. The people who wanted Thunderwolves and Tervigons have long since converted or bought 3rd party models. This is just too little too late if you ask me.

These should have been first wave releases. Especially the bug poopers and wolf cavalry. People went nuts over these units (and still do) and had nothing to use for them. Well for the people that don't they will soon have models. The people that have made do with something else are they going to shell the money out for these kits? Probably not.

Sure these will sell, but they would have sold soooooooo much better if they would have been release two plus years ago. You know when the codexes (codices) were released.

This saga will forever continue.

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