Monday, May 9, 2011

Battle Company of Brother Terik: the recorded actions

Some more exposition for my Night Lords, since I am approaching, albeit slower than intended, their finish.

843M34- Culling of Grendel’s World   Battle Company of Brother Captain Terik founded.
850M34- Idumea Forge World raid that sees several techpriests and melta weapons captured.
M36- Fifth Black Crusade Perform several lightning raids on Imperial supply depots. This helps Addadon’s forces during the opening attacks on Cadia.
M37– Recruitment Discover three planets to begin recruitment and implantation of new battle brothers.
220M38- Arios Point A rouge trader vessel baring Nigh Lord iconography is seen leaving system as the Howling Griffons are ambushed at Arios Point.
694M39- Jericho III Dark Eldar pirates attack as Night Lords are performing a raid for menials and slaves. Deal is made between the two forces. More slaves are given to the Dark Eldar in exchange for combat enhancement drugs form their twisted Haemonculus. The Night Lords begin new chemical regimen.
705M39- The Green Chemical enhancement has begun to alter the DNA of new Night Lord recruits. After gene implantation their eyes begin to glow with a bright green. They also retain their skin color. They do not take on the Primarch’s black eyes and pallid skin.  They do retain all the other abilities and traits of their brothers.
710M39- Rage Addiction to the Dark Eldar combat drugs is noted in all levels of the Battle Company. Stopping the drugs causes serve weakness and crippling pain, even to the enhanced constitution of an Astartes. Several events of uncontrolled battle lust and rage begin to surface.
712M39- The Hunt Brother CaptainTerik begins a galaxy wide search for the Dark Eldar responsible for the chemical tainting of their gene seed.
675M40- Vidium Terik finds Dark Eldar forces assaulting the Hive World of Vidium, the same forces he was hunting. “The Green” has begun affecting almost all of Night Lords under Terik’s command. Terik finds the Haemonculus responsible, but is pulled into their warp portal while fighting him. Brother Sergeant Hargrev assumes command of the company.

978M40- Forge World of Baji IV Assist Abbadon in overthrowing this Forge World. Payment is the return of Captain Terik from the warp.  Several Black Legion pyskers, after determining his location, open a stable warp portal. Hargrev and two squads enter the portal and return with Terik. Only three other battle brothers return.  Hargrev relinquishes command to Terik. Many brothers think he has been tainted by his time within the warp.
156M41-158M41- Gothic War Once again Terik’s Night Lords answer Abbadon’s call to arms. They perform several raids on several communication and supply installations.
231M41- Capture several Astartes bikes and attack bikes after ambushing a White Scar scout force. The Night Lords begin to put these bikes to use.
505M41- Infestation Genestealer infestation on Night Lord recruitment world. During the cleansing Terik flies into an uncontrollable rage. He kills dozens of Genestealers and their Patriarch with his bare hands. He then turns on his battle brothers and kills eight before he is subdued.  “The Green” has even taken hold this mighty warrior. Brother Hargrev once again takes command of the Battle Company.
506M41- Hargrev begins a search for a cure to the “Green.”
926M41- Vaxhallian Genocide Blurry vid-cap of Night Lords, bearing the Terik’s heraldry, is found after the Purge has killed 14 million on the planet Vaxhallia. 1st documented action in 400 years.
980999M41- Sessec  Under the command of Lugft Huron, assist in raids on the planet Sessec.
9959999M41- 13th Black Crusade Perform several ship to ship assaults against the Imperial Navy and even capture two frigates and a destroyer.

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