It is common knowledge that you can’t run a planet conquering dynasty without some black-ops. This is what the Deathmarks are used for in Necron race.
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My gun has balls on top! |
Oddly enough the Necrons have forbade the use of Deathmarks in civil disputes, against nobility or races that are deemed honorable. Well that is nice isn’t it? Necrons want to play fair when it comes to some aspects of war. I say PFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTT!! to that nonsense. Its war! Who the hell plays fair?!
Alright these guys are the elite Necron snipers so they should have great ballistic stats like elite snipers should. Ok…Deathmark here we go: WS 4, BS 4 (boo!), strength and toughness 4, 1 wound and attack, initiative 2, leadership 10 and a 3+ save. They also come with a Synaptic Disintegrator, can deep strike, have Ethereal Interception and the Hunters from Hyperspace rules. They start in a squad of five for the same amount of points as the NBA rrecord for most assists in a 7-game playoff series (by Los Angeles Lakers Magic Johnson, 1984). They can have up to five more guys for +19 points each. They may also take a Night Scythe for a transport.
Synaptic Disintegrator- is a 24” S X AP 5 rapid fire and sniper. This is a weird combo that I like and hate. A rapid firing sniper rifle increases those odds of rending. It can also be fired on the move. However, it is a shorter range than regular sniper weapons. It is also a sniper rifle and has all the poo they already have. I guess that makes it a push for me. Being able lay down 2x as many sniper shots at 12” or less is cool. However, all the regular sniper stuff still blows.
Ethereal Interception- is a fun way for these guys to deploy. After an enemy unit arrives from reserve (any type) any Deathmark unit in deep strike reserve (it is noted that way) may enter play. This is done using the regular deep strike rules. This does occur during the enemy's turn. If the Deathmarks are not in deep strike reserve, then they can still use this rule, but have to walk on from the board edge. This is bit of a head scratcher ability. It can be used to get these guys in position to shoot, but they will have to wait a turn to fire. This can get them into a better firing position, but they’ll have to survive a round to make the most of it. I guess it can be useful for a late turn objective contest. It can also be a wasted rule if your opponent doesn’t have units in reserve. I’m foggy on this ability. If it allowed an out of sequence shot after deployment then it would be an awesome ability. However, something like that is only allowed by the Inquisition.
Hunters from Hyperspace- is what makes these guys real special. When they are deployed the Deathmarks choose their target. It must be a non-vehicle unit and must be on the table. It can even be an embarked unit. How cool is that? Now once chosen any Deathmark shooting or punching the marked unit will wound on a 2+. Who doesn’t like that? Multiple Deathmark squads can mark multiple targets (well multiple being up to 3 for 3 Deathmark squads)and they can reap the benefits of the other squads marks.
Well this is another attempt at an elite sniper unit that isn’t so elite. Why don’t these guys have a BS 5? Wouldn’t that make them more elite than just BS 4? You know like every other sniper unit in the game. I guess snipers in the future all shoot the same, unless the function as a one man gang. It is another unit description falling short of the actual unit stats and rules.
I like and dislike these guys. I have a want to use and I secretly like sniper units, they just aren’t that good anywhere in 40K. It is the cover and the wound roll being both 4+ and rending on 6 to wound. Snipers just aren’t that good. Now the ability to “mark” a unit and wound on a 2+ does peak my interest. It even works in close combat, where these guys want to nowhere near.
The same goes for a rapid firing sniper rifle. Having two shots within 12” should help with (possibly) piling on wounds, especially if the unit is marked. Heck you might even get a rending hit in there, or maybe even two.
The deep strike in on their turn ability is weird. I don’t really like it. As I said maybe use it to get into rapid fire range of a marked target. However, with no scatter prevention in the army (another glaring issue with Xenos forces), this is a more risk than reward type move. Plus then you have to sit for a turn of possible shooting and assault. If it allowed for the squad to shoot after a deployment like this, it might be worth the risk.
This is another sniper squad I want to use but just won’t. Maybe the future will change that. Until cover saves worsen or until sniper weapons get better, I’ll pass on the Deathmarks. A shame since they look neat.
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