Well it seems to have been a while since I have done one of these posts. I almost forgot I was doing them. So after a hiatus, here is another installment of,”Have you seen this unit?”
We should all know what Ork Nobz are. If not, they are bigger than a boy, but smaller than a boss. They are like the veteran sergeants of the orks. Mostly they are seen as a squad upgrade with a power klaw. Then they are also seen as an elite unit that rides bikes with all sort of wound allocation stupidity. Heck they can even be made into troops. See now we know. Well there is one unit of Nobs that seems to never be fielded the heavy support Nob, the Flash Gitz.
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These guys rocked in the Dawn of War RTS. |
Flash Gitz are Nobs that have taken the best loot from the battlefield. This means they have then best guns and equipment in the army. They are also not the typical close combat Nobs, these guys prefer to shoot.
A Flash Gitz have a Nob stat line: WS 4, BS 2, toughness and strength of 4, 2 wounds, 3 initiative, 3 attacks, leadership 7 and a 4+ armor save. They are armed with Snazz Guns and a Git Finda. They have the ork mob, furious charge and Waaaagh! Rules. They come in a squad of 5-10 and have a bunch of upgrades they can buy. These guys cost a single American quarter in points each.
Now they can upgrade a Nob to Pain Boy for +30 points. This will give the squad a Feel No Pain roll. The Pain Boy can also buy a Grot Orderly for +5 points and that will gain him a re-roll on a single Feel No Pain roll, and then he is used up. He can also give the squad Cybork Bodies for +5 points each, which gives them a 5++ save.
Snazz Guns- are the tricked out weapon of choice for Flash Gits. They are 24” S5 AP D6 assault 1 weapons. Which isn’t awful, except that variable AP. I dislike random rolls almost as much as 5++ saves. Now Snazz Guns have the option to be modified with More Dakka, Shootier and Blasta. Each of these can be purchased for a gun and will add +5 points to that Gitz cost.
More Dakka- makes this an assault 2 gun
Shootier- ups the strength to 6
Blasta- lowers the AP of the gun by one when you roll the D6, but it also gives the gun the Gets hot! Rule.
Git Findas- allow for a pre-measurement before shots are fired. It seems handy, but we should all know about what 24” is by now. Shouldn’t we?
The squad may also purchase up to three Ammo Runts for +5 points each. These allow for a single re-roll on a missed to hit roll. Then the grot is expended and cannot be used again, like the Grot Orderly.
Well why are these guys not used? Simple cost in points should be screaming out at everyone right now. If they are to be a threat, then they need at least one if not two gun upgrades. If you feel you have to keep them safe, you’ll also be adding in a Pain Boy at the cost of two Flash Gitz. Ick!
Then there is the fact they are shooty orks and Lootas do it better and for much cheaper. Why buy midrange, expensive shooting when you can instead by cheaper, long range and better strength shooting? Yeah you don’t. Next.
Then there is the small squad size and orky leadership. If these guys take a few hits, they are liable to run off the board. Leadership 7 isn’t awful, but with a Mob rule you need at least 8+ Gitz get any real effect from that. This in turn returns me to the first point, too many points.
Then we have the fact these are shooty orks. You know who fears ork shooting? Well not many people. Ballistic Skill 2 is pretty bad and is a blessing when anything is hit by it. Strange how people see a 5++ save a s neat, but a 5+ to hit as bad? Weird huh? Sorry back to Flash Gitz.
How do you fix Flash Gitz? Well maybe not make them Nobs. Sure it makes background sense, but is hard to justify in game. You want Nobs cracking skulls, not sitting back shooting.
Just make Flash Gitz boys with better guns. That would lower the base cost and maybe get some attention. The Git Finda is sort of a point waste and if you drop that from the cost or make it a different ability. Seriously who playing 40K more than three times can’t see 24”? Pull them and the points they are worth. I would leave the gun upgrades and think they are cost appropriate. Heck even leave the Pain Boy and other options for those people who need Feel No Pain and other stuff with their orks.
I think a bit cheaper off the bat and the options they have might make these guys usable. Maybe a ork boy with 4+ armor and snazz gun for like 15-18 points base. That seems a bit more believable and workable. Heck it might even get them used. Well more usable then they are now.
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