Sunday, June 5, 2011

Terminator Squad!

Claw 1 or the "First" are the veterans of Terik's company. These are the oldest,most grizzled and experienced warriors in the company. They are given the opportunity to go to battle in the few suits of tactical dreadnought armor that the company still maintains.

Brother Seargent Serg is the leader of the "First." He has never fallen prey to the "green" as other battle brothers have. He also insists that any member of the Claw 1, " be of pure seed." that is he wants only the best warriors. Those that have not fallen prey to the chapter's drug enhancement. It is also why most of the "First" have the best and most unaltered geneseed.

Brother Seargent Serg and his pure Night Lord genes

sadly pale skin doesn't photo well

Yes I know that boring non-Thunder hammer/shield Terminators are rare. Yes I also know they have no cyclone launcher, and I'm fine with that. I like boring old powerfist Terminators. I think they are just iconic for Marine armies. I think every Marine player should have five of them of some variety.

I'll actually add at least one more with a heavy flamer. Ideally I'd like to add five more (thank you Black Reach cheapness), but they can wait.

power fist or chain fist if needed

I added some spare Chaos bits and arm swaps. The conversions are very pedestrian, but I like the look of less flair on my guys.A cool skull shoulder pad here, a pointy powerfist there and a bit of bone does it for extras.

torn enemy skin as a useful butt flap

my original test Terminator now has friends

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