Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Well another successful orbit around the sun.
What am I going to do with 2019?
Well some easily attainable goals is what!

  • Get back to painting some miniatures. I have a small back log of stuff to paint that really needs to get done.
  • Get more games of DUST 1947 played. The guys I play with are going through house selling and new house building. It has stopped our tabletop gaming flat.
  • Stay away from Red Dead Redemption 2. I know it is awesome; but I need to avoid, what will probably be, an amazingly fun time suck game.
  • Walk away from the Hours Hersey series. I have stuck through 40+ books for some idiot reason. I know the series is ending soon and start a new series just about the siege of Terra. I need to walk away since I have dumped so much time reading a diminishing return series that was once great, but has turned to drek in the last dozen or so books.
  • I need to stay away from whatever this Siege of Terra series will be about. Seriously it should be three or four books long. That would be enough to cover the battle and final Horus vs. Emperor showdown. Sadly it will not be this, but a myriad of books to drag out for gods know how long.
  • Get back to hiking. The last part of 2018 was a blur and we had little time to get back to walking in nature.
  • Here is an easy short term goal! Stay away from the hype of Bird Box. Right now everyone is pushing this for some reason. Has everyone forgotten The Happening? Has nobody seen A Quite Place? Isn’t that just what Bird Box is but with a sight and not sound?
  • As always play more games of the table or board variety.
These should be easily attainable goals for this coming year.

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