Friday, February 2, 2018

D&D Pre-game 2-3-18

A single torch lights a small room filled with a table, three chairs and a small metal bowl. Three figures sit huddled together around a large metal bowl. They chant strange words and begin to sway back and forth. The bowl slowly begins to fill with a murky fluid. The chanting grows louder. The fluid begins to bubble. The single torch begins to sputter and throw small sparks. When the sparks hit the floor they burst, releasing wisps of multicolored smoke. The fluid in the bowl is at a full boil and is no longer murky. The chanting reaches a crescendo and then stops.

They lean over and look into the bowl a single yellow eye surrounded by small red scales stares back at them.

“Master we have found them” the three figures say in a single voice. “They have been hidden, but now have been found.”

“ Where?” the eye replies.

Toward the top of the world. Through the cold. Through the snow. Past the forgotten crone. They have found the long lost refuge. The home of ice and death.” The three reply.
”Gods be damned! That mountain is beyond my sphere of influence! Watch them! I need to know what they find!” bellows the eye.

“A curse upon them! A curse upon that treasure seeker. A pox upon Zirkikki and his clan of flesh changers! They failed with the Halls of Healing. They failed with that insipid worm cult. They failed with those dirt worshipping druids! A time of reckoning is upon them now, but for now you three, watch those damned adventures and search that region of the mountains! It is devoid of influence. I must have its secrets! There has to be a power there that I can control!” the eye continues to yell up through the bowl.

“We watch our lord. We watch and obey. We watch, report and we obey.” They reply.

The glaring eye fades away and the fluid in the bowl becomes murky once more. The figures begin to chant once again. The torch sputters and the fluid begins to bubble once again.

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