If this is the “little dragon” the goblins spoke of….what is a big dragon?
Returning to his lair after a few days of exploring the mountains the white dragon Franerrorth, known in some circles as The Lord of Ice, was looking forward to the meal left for him by his followers. As he passed over the frozen castle he saw a group of figures in his treasure room. These were not dragon men bringing him food or plundered treasure. At this height these looked to be humans and they were ransacking his treasure!
Fanerrorth made a second pass high above the citadel and then dove down to his frozen lair. It had been decades since he had feasted on man flesh. Oh how he hoped there was an elf among them. The only better flesh than man was that of an elf! He slowly descended and prepared to show these interlopers why he was known as the Lord of Ice.
The party had broken one chest from its block of ice. They then turned to the second block. They were so busy that they missed the sound of the dragon alighting behind them on the wall. They however didn’t miss the sound of a deep inhalation of air.
“DRAGON!” someone yelled but it was too late. The beast had unleashed his icy breath weapon. The monk’s preternatural dexterity offered him some protection from the blast. The winter wolf cloak the barbarian had made did the same. However, the bard and rouge were caught directly in the blast. The rouge managed to crawl to safety behind a block of ice. The bard was not as lucky. His body lay still and covered in a thick sheet of ice on the ground. The archeologist had also taken refuge behind the ice blocks and missed the majority of the breath weapon. He ran out and drug the bard back behind the ice. Roaring the dragon dropped down from the wall to assault the monk and barbarian.

The rouge took a minute to chortle down a healing potion he had stashed away and then did his best to sneak up on the dragon. Little did he know the beast saw him and was prepared. As the rouge made his way to the dragon’s flank he drew weapons and prepared to strike. It was then that the dragon lashed out with his tail striking the rouge and knocking him back a good fifteen feet. It appeared stealth would not work against the wyrm.
The bard was revived and also quaffed a healing potion he had procured. He rose and began to bolster the warriors with song and verse.
The archeologist stayed behind cover and cast the only offensive magic he knew. A trio of green bolts of energy struck the dragon, but if it did any real damage he could not tell.
The barbarian and monk kept up their frontal assault on the dragon. They did their best to dodge claw and fang. They knew they had a limited amount of time before the wyrm could and would bring it’s icy death breath to bear once again. The barbarian had worked himself into a frothing rage and rained blow after blow at the beast. The monk in his typical stoic manner, kept up his assault of magic infused punches. His jutsu was strong, but would it be enough to drop the beast?
The dragon’s assault forced the bard to utilize his only healing magic. The archeologist ran forward to cast his one healing spell as well. The dragon was slowly gaining the upper hand by slowly tearing the party to shreds. The rouge was slapped by the dragon’s tail yet again, but managed to keep his footing. The monk was beginning to lose focus as his supernatural Ki powers were fading.
It was then that the dragon reared back and inhaled deeply. The party knew what was about to happen, but had no way to escape in time. They would be hit with another blast of freezing dragon breath. The barbarian knew he had but one chance and, with a cry to his orc god, he the leapt at the dragon’s throat swinging his sword in a wide arc. As the dragon’s head came forward to exhale, the barbarian’s sword cleaved right through the beast’s neck! The dragons’ head lolled to the side, his mouth still agape and then fell to the floor with a mighty thud. Franerrorth, The Lord of Ice, was no more.
(Sidebar - another natural 20 with the vorpal sword the 5th of the night for the barbarian!)
The party took a few moments to catch their breath and celebrate. They had survived by the skin of their teeth once again!
They had earned the frozen treasure!