Stop me if you have heard this before.
A dragonborn, a human and two ½ orcs walk into a sewer…..
The party descended once again, into the tunnels and sewers beneath Stonekeep. They were looking for a rat catcher, the last loose end of a plot to further the ends of some unnamed death cult.
They made their way along the route they told this rat catcher travels. After a few miles of trekking through poo water they saw a bit of light up ahead. They rounded a bend and entered a big sewer cistern. There was an out-pipe but the poo water level hadn’t reached it yet. There they found two city watchmen and a ragged gentlemen with a squirmy potato sack and two large live traps full of rats. The party began to approach and talk to them, but there was no response. As the moved closer they could see that these three men looked awake and alive but were not breathing. It was then that three giant tentacle legged worm monsters dropped from the ceiling, crawled up from the cistern and came walking down the tunnel. A group of Carrion Crawlers and behind them down the tunnel was a group of cultists drive them forward with spears.

The battle began with the party splitting up to take down the big angry tentacle caterpillars. The rouge and warrior tried to dislodge the crawler on the ceiling, but had little luck with that. The barbarian began attacking the cistern and other ceiling crawler. He was able to shake off the creature’s paralytic tentacles. The monk moved toward the advancing crawler and cultists. The creatures lashed out with their tentacles and managed to paralyze a few party members, but never for very long. This group was just not having any of that! Eventually the creatures all fell to a combination of swords, daggers, fists, maces and a dwarven greatsword. The cultists also followed suit.
The rat catcher and guardsmen eventually broke free from their paralytic stupor. The guardsmen were here on their monthly patrol with the rat catcher guild. The rat catcher was questioned about the cedar boxes. He mentioned how a blond tall human came and offered him 30 gold to go place an order for a small cedar box. That was all. He never returned to pick it up. He had no idea what it was for or who wanted it . he was a bit tipsy at the Slaughtered Hog when this guy walked in and offered him this job. He said his name was Mr. Johnson. It was easy money. The party now had a description of a potential threat, some blonde human dude named Mr. Johnson. It wasn’t much, but it was something.
They continued down the tunnels with the guards and rat catcher until they found a section of tunnel where the wall had collapsed. Behind it was another tunnel somewhat rough cut, but with a cobblestone floor. The rat catcher walks these tunnels all the time, and this wall collapse was new. The party decided to have the guards escort the rat catcher back to their tower to keep him safe. They then moved down this side tunnel.
After walking and descending further down they found a door. The rouge found no traps and they opened it. As the door swung open an alarm sounded! Yup missed that check for sure. They cut the rope setting off the small ringing bells. They cautiously moved on until they saw the familiar sight of bloated dead bodies moving toward them. The same bodies that explode with worms and poison they had fought before. They knew to keep their distance and attack with a barrage of ranged weapons. They dropped the quartet of bloated zombie bombs without getting near them. They continued onward.

Eventually , they arrived at a large dimly lit room. From the entry way they could see the floor undulating. Throughout the room were no less than twenty of the maggot pits they had encountered at the farm last week. Along the walls were another dozen of the bloated walking corpse bombs, but they were not moving. The group began to make their way through the room. The barbarian and monk arrived safely to the other side. The warrior and rouge both stepped on loose stones. Once this happened they were showered with giant centipedes, worms and maggots from the ceiling. The bloated corpses also began to shamble forward. The centipedes began to bite and inject a weak poison. The bloated bodies moved ever closer. The rouge and warrior ran forward slapping worms, centipedes and maggots from their face, clothes and gear. They were able to shake off the poison being injected into them and easily out distanced the bloat zombies shuffling their way.
That was until they reached a dead end. Well a dead end with a secret door built into it. Once again no traps were found so they slid it open. Inside they discovered a giant room with a deep dark pit in the center. Suspended in midair above the pit was a large platform. Atop this platform were all manner of candles, four hooded statues, two cages housing twitchy undead, three fancy robed figures and roughly a dozen cultist all in some state of ritual chanting.
Knowing this couldn’t be good the party drew weapons and launched into battle!