Into the lair of the warlock…..
The party stood in ankle deep warm water within an hallway full of steamy humid air. They moved slowly down the hall until they reached a small room. Within this room was a small stone statue that looked to have been made of tentacles around a circular body with a large singular glass eye and a hallway out of the room. The tentacles on the right held several small objects and the tentacles on the left were empty. The party approached and began to inspect the room.
The barbarian approached the statue and the eye became focused on him. He turned to talk to the party and heard nothing. He stepped forward and walked into an invisible barrier. He and the party were now separated. He investigated the statue and the objects it held: a few spell scrolls, a stone tablet with dwarven runes on it, an elaborate braid made from three pieces of multicolor twine, a small peg game and a piece of sheet music. He read the dwarf tablet and it appeared to be a family recipe for chili. He held the sheet music up for the bard to look at. The bard was able to play the music but the barrier still stood and the barbarian could not hear it either. Frustrated he walked past the statue and then the fighter passed into the room.

They discussed the situation. The fighter investigated as well and like the barbarian just passed by the statue. The archeologist came through the barrier and investigated. All the objects seemed to have a theme, applied knowledge. He removed a small book from a side bag and placed it in an open tentacle. The statue stopped staring at him and the barrier opened again. The monk came through and was told what to do. He removed a treasure map they had found and placed it in a tentacle. The barrier dropped and the rouge passed through. The statue stared at him as he was told about it. He decided to try some sleight of hand juggling. The barrier fell and the bard passed through the statue staring at him. He was informed and decided to preform and old elven song. The statue stopped staring. The party passed on down the next hall where it split into three separate hallways, left, right and forward. (This was a statue of Ug’Bothat and eldritch god who is very keen to acquire any and all knowledge. Any player giving some sort of information could pass freely. Any player not giving info could pass freely but would face minor consequences i.e. extra damage, disadvantage rolls, tougher saves etc. )
Here the party decided to split ( hooray and boo at the same time for the DM). The rouge and barbarian ( now #1 ) went left and the bard, monk, fighter and archeologist (#2) went right. As the two groups move down the halls they were still in ankle deep hot water, had to dodge random tiny geysers and dealt with increasingly hot humid air. Eventually both groups were attacked by large muscled, tentacle armed creatures with bulbous eyes and deranged fanged lipless grinning mouths. These were obviously the grue they were told about. The beast attempted to entwine people in their tentacle arms and then dive into them with their fanged maws. They proved to be no real threat and more of a nuisance for both party #1 and #2 as they moved about the halls.
More tentacle and less claws for my grue |
These two moved through the halls and eventually discovered a 100’ long hallway that was covered by 6’x6’ sheets of copper along the length of the hall. The rouge found them to be trap free and they moved down the hall. As they walked they noticed that it was getting warmer and warmer. Soon they realized their weapons, buckles and money were beginning to get warm. Soon all the metal on them began to glow hot and burnt hem and through pouches and packs. As they exited the hallway their metal objects instantly cooled to room temperature, but not before they took some damage from the hot metal. They moved on to the next hall and discovered a stairway down to a large platform on the edge of a chasm full of steam. As they descended the stairs, they noticed that a pillar of wispy smoke was beginning to coalesce on the platform. It sort of took the shape of a human torso with smoke for legs. It noticed them and began to ask a series of questions.
“Why is the color of though green?”
"What is the meaning of 3?"
"The master of numbers! What is the master of numbers?"
The barbarian and rouge had no answers and everything they came up with only made the smoke creature wail as if in pain. Eventually this wailing turned to pain for the ½ orc and dragonborn. They responded by attacking the smoke creature. It became a battle where their magical weapons harmed it at the same time it’s strange psychic screams torn into them. Soon the dragonborn was unconscious on the platform, bleeding from his eyes and ears. The enraged barbarian continued to launch blows at the smoke creature while struggling to remain standing. It was due to his sheer will and stubbornness that allowed him to survive the psychic onslaught and slay the apparition before him. As the smoke and steam creature dissipated again he dropped to his knees barely conscious. He moved to the dragonborn and noticed he was alive, but just. They took a few minutes to recuperate before moving onwards.
The platform they were on dropped off into a chasm that wrapped around the interior of the mound, it contained the heart of the geyser Fifty feet below them was giant pool of boiling water and rising steam. About that time the geyser erupted and hot water and steam rushed up past them and out the top of the ceiling above the chasm. Across the chasm was another platform and a hallway. Hanging from the ceiling were three chains the attached to three 4’ platforms swaying over the chasm. It looked like the only way across for them would be to leap from platform to platform.
What followed was a comedy of errors. The dexterous rouge falling into the boiling water. The barbarian doing the same. An attack from a pack of steam mephitis. The rouge remembering that he had a Rope of Climbing from 5+ adventures ago he could use. The rope’s command word becoming “spaghetti” for some idiot reason. Thus leading to the phrase “I’ll spaghetti over to the next platform.” The rouge being talked into trying to tightrope walk from platform to platform. The rouge falling while trying to do this. The climbing back out of the water a 2nd or 3rd time. It all culminated with the two of these guys crossing the three platforms and then having to do some minor healing again after just minor healing before the crossing started. It was just ugly.
These two travelled down the hall off the platform and discovered a huge room at the end. This room was in all manner of disarray and had a balcony that opened over another off shoot of the chasm they had just crossed. The rubble, items and trash thrown about the room and the balcony were minor elements. The biggest aspect of the room were the five giant circular portals that were open to what looked like the vast and infinite cosmos. These portals filled a part of the ceiling the right and left walls and two on the floor. When looking into them stars, planets, suns, nebula and all manner of celestial bodies could be seen. There was no movement into or out of the portal either. Objects could be dropped or thrown into them, but nothing was coming out of them. They were open, but for what reason was unknown.

The rouge and barbarian searched the room and managed to find a multitude of hourglasses. The barbarian knew these from the tomb of Zerbaxa. Besides all the broken bits of furniture, strange scribbled notes, piles of books, spell components, and clothes thrown about the room: they also found a small hidden door in the floor. They found it not trapped, so they opened it and climbed down the ladder they found inside.
A giant green tentacle seems to undulate within one of the portals as the pair descend the ladder.