The Argenian Wastelands...Silver Town. A once prosperous silver mining town, now a decepit collection of broken down buildings.
A small fire crackles at the end of the street. Several misshapen bodies lie in the street twitching, melting and smoldering. A quartet of people circle the area driving weapons into the bodies to confirm they are no longer "alive."
Lukas Fudderer stands over the burnt remains of the demon preacher that caused all this. He removes another vial of holy water and slowly pours in on the remains. The burnt and brittle bones begin to snap and pop as the consecrated fluid touches them. A low and long ghostly moan can be heard originating from the body. Lukas shudders and takes a step back as the burnt skeleton begins to crumble and blow away in the hot dry wind.

The remaining citizens have long since fled the town. The quartet was able to question a woman and her child before she raced from town. They where able to calm her down and get a smattering of information from her. They discovered that the silver mine went belly-up years ago. The miners had hit a strange pocket of darkness and then days later strange creatures appeared and began to destroy the mine. They boarded it up a day later. The town slowly went under and then this past year strange eldritch creatures began to arrive at night from the mine. These attacks occurred randomly for the next few years. People went into the mine to stop these beasts, but never returned. A month ago the preacher arrived and defended the town at night from the attacks. It was easy to follow he as he appeared to be the town's savior.They had no idea he was a demon creature in human form.
The party gives the woman some food, water and gold as she grabs her child and runs out of town. They warn her of travelling through the Argenian Wastelands alone, but she won't listen and runs off with her child.
Well the quartet stands in the center of the now empty town. They begin to discuss options when they notice that the sun has moved beyond the distant hills. Night is approaching and now they have to wonder if they will have to defend themselves from whatever lives in the mine and stay in town, or to push on farther into the wastelands to try and find the lair of the warlock Ariahiri Didani.