Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello......and Goobye!

It looks like I've missed some something during my hiatus. The Grey Knights are for real. I was really hoping for an April Fools joke there. Oh well.

I also noticed the Dark Eldar have sort of disappeared again. I do find it troublesome that they got a new book and such....and then they quickly announce the Grey Knight rumors/ release is next. Why so soon?
Why not give the Dark Eldar an extra month to soak in and then start the rumors/release info of the next army?

I understand that 3+ saves sell this game, but give the xenos races some time to shine in there own right.
I was enjoying the reviews of Dark Eldar codex stuff, and then like that "POOF!"

"Dark whazsits-whozits? We have silver marines on the horizon to speak about."

Oh well it is way the 40K universe seems to work, rumor a release, spin spin spin, release, talk and then forget about it so we can worry about the next army.

Oh Dark Eldar how we missed you only to miss you again.

1 comment:

  1. Nah , Ima not selling out , new job has kept me quiet for a while but I will continue with my DE reviews and articles (and now bat reps) soon enough. Plus it's a ward dex , ewww *goes to wash typing fingers*
