Wednesday, November 22, 2017

D&D post game 11-18-17 Part 2

Our intrepid adventurers rode off the next morning looking for a Temple to the god Torm.

After a long Lord of the Rings like travel montage with the music and scenery, they arrived at the temple. Of course they arrived during a battle outside in the courtyard. There they saw five knight/crusader types facing off against a small horde of ninja/monks from the Dark Moon.

They rode in and joined the battle!

The Dark Moon increased their attacks and even had a pair of members rush toward the temple. The barbarian and rouge teamed up to assault the forces to the right. The new ½ orc warrior and monk rushed to aid the holy knights/crusaders on the left. The battle raged until the Dark Moon losses started to rise. A quartet of them disappeared into the shadows and made their escape. The pair that made their way into the temple were hunted down and killed before they could do whatever it was they were trying to do.

As the battle ended, they two parties met to discuss events. The crusading warriors of Torm had been at the temple for only  a few weeks. It was their turn to man this area, maintain the land, provide assistance and do all the daily rituals until this time next year. They had no idea why they were attacked and who was attacking them. There was nothing of value here to steal so they were incredibly confused by this attack.

The party began to police the bodies and found them to be a mix of humans, the body modification humans and a few more of those greenish pointy eared creatures. The crusaders attened the wounded and recovered their fallen bretheren.

By dusk the group was inside the temple searching for anything of worth. The rooms were all searched. The two small out buildings contained provisions and food stuffs. They found nothing to explain why the Dark Moon had attacked.

By now it was getting on toward night. Watches were set and the waiting began. Waiting for the inevitable attack…that eventually happened.
It was the ½ orc warriror who first heard the sound of scratching at the front door. Drawing one of his maces he pulled open the door and swung at the figure kneeling by where the door lock had been.

Then the night erupted with the sound of shattering glass!

The temple was suddenly full of ninja/monks! They had crashed through the stained glass windows and surprised most of the party. The sounds of battle erupted! Sleeping warriors awoke to grab weapons and join the fray.

The ½ orc warrior unleashed a flurry of blows on the kneeling mikn before him. After the second hit he had crushed his enemy’s skull, but that didn’t stop him for continuing to swing. The barbarian and rouge rushed to stem the tide coming in the windows on the north side of the temple. The remaining crusaders held the southside of the temple. The party’s monk ran to aid the ½ orc at the front door.

The leader of the Dark Moon and six of his brothers stood outside the front enterance. He looked upon the ½ orc and with a flurry of hand motions and some strange words froze him in place. Then four of them rushed in to attack. They were met by Ren, the good monk, who was trying to keep them for hitting his paralyzer companion.

The battle inside the temple was fairly even. As the Dark Moon feel, so too did the crusaders. The rouge and barbarian began to easily whittle down the assaulting forces. Evil ninja monks were beginning to litter the floor.

Eventually, the ½ orc was able to shake off his strange paralysis and rushed the monk who froze him. The only good monk in the room was being to become overwhelmed by a multiple enemies with their thrown weapons and flurries of kicks/punches. It was then that the barabarian , rouge and last remaining crusader arrived to help. They had cleared the temple and began to cut their way thorugh the remaining Dark Moon.

Their leader was soon the last man standing and even his bag of ninja tricks couldn’t save him. He was eventually beaten to the brink of death and saved. The restrinaed and questioned. Sadly, he only spoke a language not know to anyone in the party. The party decided it would be best to not return him to town fearing some kind of reprisal attack on the journey. The removed him from the temple and ended his life.

The last crusader and the party recovered their strength and began to search again. Trying to understand why this was all happening. It was then that the monk discovered a small button on the bottom lip of the temple altar. The rouge was called over to investigate. Which he did by just pushing said button. 

Well it wan't trapped.

A small door opened in the side of the altar. Inside was a sealed glass vial. Inside said vial appeared to be a finger bone. The party now knew what the Dark Moon were probably after. The crusader knight had no idea this was here, but it explained why this temple was built and what kept it safe from the elements and evils of the region. Well until now. The Dark Moon must have some powerful magics to counteract the effect of a holy reliquary. 

The party and the last knight decided it was best to return this to the holy conclave and not leave it here with only one man to guard it. By daybreak the party was heading back to Stonekeep with a crusader and a holy artifact in tow.


  1. Hey There !
    My name is Joshua Stawiarski Co - Editor Of

    Sorry if this message is presented in a spammy way but it’s hard to contact a lot of wargamers properly.

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    Looking forward to hearing from you,
    Co - Editor Of

    1. Could be spam?
      could be legit?
      I shall investigate further.
